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Guide pour activer le thème foncé / mode nuit / dark theme de Windows 10, c'est-à-dire avoir un fond noir sur les programmes au lieu du blanc habituel. Yosemite Transformation Pack : Windows 8 en Mac OS X 10.10 ... Yosemite Transformation Pack est un thème graphique complet qui vous permet de transformer totalement Windows 8.1, 8 ou 7 en Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite. Installer Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite sur Windows avec VMware Pour cela, lancer en administrateur le fichier install.cmd qui se trouve dans le dossier « \Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite\VMware Unlocker – Mac OS X Guest\VMware 8.x + 9.x + 10.x Series\VMware Workstation Unlocker – Windows« . OS X Yosemite Theme For Windows 10 - Contact Better viewed use 32 bit true color and browser above IE8.0 or Firefox 4.0 version. Find us on Google+
Transformez votre Windows en OSX Yosemite – Korben OS X Yosemite/iOS 8 themes, wallpapers, user pictures and logon screen OS X Dock emulation with pre-configured docklets optimized for stability/performance Dashboard and Spaces with shortcut keys configured Yosemite Transformation Pack – The best way to get OS X ... Yosemite Transformation Pack will give you all new OS X Yosemite user experiences combined with iOS 8 graphics such as theme, wallpapers, system resources, and new OS X features combined altogether in single package working on Windows platform since Windows XP to up to Windows 10. In this package, you’ll have the best user experiences greatly resembles real OS X Yosemite from Windows side. Top 10 des thèmes pour Windows 10 -
Can we make Windows 10 look like Mac OS? - Quora